Why Every Financial Professional Should Know a Good Recruiter
Assume for a moment that you are a happily-employed and well-compensated bookkeeper, accountant, or other financial professional. You like your job, and your career is moving in the right direction. There isn’t any reason for you to get to know a financial recruiter, right?
We can understand why you might think that way. And yet, at our staffing company we stay in touch with lots of men and women who aren’t actively looking for new openings. Most of the time, we don’t have much reason to talk. However, these forward-thinking professionals know there are a few benefits to keeping the relationship warm. Today, we’re going to look at a few of the biggest ones.
To help you understand why every financial professional should know a good recruiter, here are some things you should remember…
Life Can Change Quickly
It’s an unfortunate fact of life that even though you’re happily employed today you might not be tomorrow. Things like turnovers, buyouts, and corporate bankruptcies have always been a part of life, but the pace of change within the financial world has accelerated over the last couple of decades.
Think about it this way: it’s much better to know a financial recruiter and never need one than it is to suddenly find yourself out of work and starting from scratch.
It’s Possible Your Perfect Job is Out There
There is a big difference between being satisfied with your current job and working in a way that satisfies every item on your employment wish list. Even if you aren’t interested enough to look for new opportunities yourself, is it possible that a position with higher pay, better benefits, new challenges, or a different location would interest you?
A good financial recruiter can know what you value and keep an open eye for the perfect opportunity. A lot of financial job openings are never advertised, so we can help you spot the “hidden chances” that you might otherwise miss out on.
It Never Hurts to Know Your Options
Occasionally, we work with employers who have very distinct needs or have to fill an open position rapidly. In those cases, they may be willing to offer a higher than normal salary, or give a signing bonus to the right candidate. Even if you don’t end up taking a new job, it never hurts to know what your options are.
If nothing else, financial professionals can get more experience interviewing without a lot of pressure. And, they can use the opportunities we tell them about for negotiating points with their existing employers. It never hurts to look, and there’s no risk in hearing about what might be available.
As we’ve already mentioned, a lot of the financial professionals we know don’t have reason to talk with us all that often. And, if you’re in a position that makes you happy, there might not be any reason to move in the near future. However, there’s always the chance that something better will come along, or that your situation will change in a heartbeat. If that day arrives, you’ll be glad you have a good financial recruiter on your side.
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