Why Experienced HR Teams Love Financial Recruiters

Once in a while, we meet with a human resources manager or department head that is a bit skeptical of the work our financial staffing firm does. They may wonder how we can contribute to the hiring process, or even worry that we are out to replace them.

Of course, we don’t want to do either. Our job is simply to help them find better financial candidates, speed up the interview and on boarding process, and make it easier for them to get and retain the talent they need. That’s probably why so many veteran HR professionals love working with us – we do everything we can to make their lives easier.

If you’re in charge of bringing fresh faces into your organization or department, we think you’ll appreciate our work, too. Here are just a few of the simplest reasons why…


We Make it Easier to Find Financial Professionals

There are a lot of accountants, bookkeepers, and even financial executives out there. Unfortunately, they all have their own skills, qualifications, salary requirements, and so on. What starts out as a simple recruiting effort can easily turn into a needle-in-a-haystack search if you don’t know where to look.

A firm like ours specializes in financial recruiting. That means we know which rocks to turn over to find the best candidates, and can help you fill your openings faster.


Our Team Can Bring You “Hidden Talents” Who Aren’t Looking for Work

One Catch 22 within the financial recruiting business – and virtually every other field – is that the most talented and qualified individuals typically don’t find themselves looking for new jobs all that often. Sometimes you can’t find the person you really need because they are already employed by one of your colleagues or competitors.

As financial recruiters, we maintain a large network that includes many already-employed men and women. These “hidden talents” are open to hearing from us about the right job, even though they haven’t posted their resumes online.


We Can Save Your Company Time and Money

Often, a human resources representative will find themselves interviewing financial candidates who have resumes that are “close enough.” After they are hired, the company has to spend a bit of money training that person for the job, and possibly outsourcing work because the new professional isn’t ready to fill the position yet.

Because we can help you find the perfect person, we give you the opportunity to have someone step in and get to work on day one. That means less time and money wasted on training, waiting, and temporary employees.


We have yet to meet a human resources team that isn’t already stretched for time. By working with a financial recruiting firm, you get better candidates, spend less on training, and enjoy lower turnover. In other words, we make it easier for you to do your job effectively.


To learn more about our company and how we can boost your financial recruiting efforts, contact the AF Staffing team today!